Strength Training at Home: Tips and Advice for Staying on Track


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I love strength training at home and so do my clients, but some days it’s harder to keep going or get started. There are so many distractions and we are busy, putting ourselves first can often fall to the bottom of our to do lists. I’ve certainly had times when my routine has slipped and so have my clients.

In my last post, we explored the fundamentals of strength training at home without any equipment

Now, let's take a look at some practical tips to help you stay on track with your fitness journey.

Psst… Would you rather listen to these tips? Hit play on our podcast episode now for a more in depth chat on the subject! πŸ‘‡


1. Set Clear Goals

Determine what you want to achieve with your strength training. Whether it's building muscle, increasing endurance, or improving overall fitness, having clear goals will help you stay motivated. Know your why; this will help keep you motivated and give you a roadmap of what you are aiming for.

(Read more about finding your why here.)


2. Create a Workout Plan

Start with the basics. If you're new to strength training, focus on fundamental movements like squats. As you progress, incorporate push and pull movements such as push-ups, rows, and dips. (read more here)


Not sure how to get started?

Investing in some support to work with a coach like me might be a great first step. I offer virtual personal training and fitness coaching from the comfort of your own home. We can work together with what you have at home and start where you are to build up your strength and fitness overtime and most importantly confidence as we work towards your goals. 

The first step in us working together so you can find the time to put yourself first, fit health and fitness into your busy and often unstructured schedule and feel strong and confident in your own skin is to have a conversation. Head to my work with me page and fill out the form so we can start the conversation (there is no commitment at this point), I look forward to hearing from you.


3. Progressive Overload

Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts by adding resistance, increasing repetitions, or reducing rest times. This makes sure you are  continuously improving and building strength. Simply put if it starts to feel easy, make it harder.

4. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key to seeing results. Schedule your workouts into your daily or weekly routine and stick to them. You can also incorporate movement bites throughout your day to break up sitting time and get more activity in.


5. Rest and Recovery

Allow your muscles time to recover by scheduling rest days between intense workouts. Recovery is when your muscles repair and grow stronger. Listen to your body; it's okay to do something every day, but sometimes you just need a day off.

6. Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is important for overall health and workout performance. Drink water before, during, and after your workouts to stay hydrated and energised.

7. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body's signals. If you feel pain beyond normal muscle soreness, stop the exercise and seek medical advice if needed.


8. Stay Motivated

Find ways to stay motivated, whether it's tracking your progress, setting rewards for reaching milestones, or working out with a friend virtually. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and keep pushing towards your goals.

To sum up

Remember, everyone's fitness journey is unique.

What works for someone else might not work for you, and that's perfectly okay.

The key is to find a routine and approach that you enjoy and can maintain over the long term.
What matters most is getting started and building the habit of regular strength training.

Remember to

⭐set clear goals

⭐stay consistent and

⭐listen to your body.

Stay committed, stay positive, and most importantly, stay active.

Together, let's prioritise our health, embrace sustainable habits, and achieve our fitness goals.

You've got this, fitness besties.

Remember to visit my website at for support.

Take care of yourself and keep moving


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Finding Balance: Incorporating Fitness Into Your Everyday Life


Strength Training at Home: No Equipment Required