Finding Balance: Incorporating Fitness Into Your Everyday Life


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Maybe by now on your fitness journey, you've started getting in the groove and have been building your habits upβ€”you are now in a bit of a rhythm.

Remember, it doesn't have to be constant; we are looking for consistency rather than intensity.

We want fitness to be part of our lives and be used to enhance our life, but not take over. Let's find that balance.

The key is to keep going without burning ourselves out. Let's explore more about maintaining balance.

There was a time when my schedule was so hectic that I could only squeeze in tiny movements throughout the dayβ€”like doing squats while waiting for the kettle to boil. It didn’t feel like much at the time, but those small actions added up and kept me on track. They also helped build my confidence because I was proving to myself that I could stay consistent, no matter how busy life got.

This experience taught me the value of focusing on consistency rather than intensity. Even when life gets overwhelming, those tiny, doable actions can make a big difference. So, if you’re struggling to find time for fitness, remember that small movements can be just as powerful as longer workouts. It’s all about finding a balance that works for you and keeps you moving forward, one step at a time.


Psst… Would you rather listen to these tips? Hit play on our podcast episode now for a more in depth chat on the subject! πŸ‘‡


The Importance of Consistency

To create sustainable habits that won't overwhelm you, it's essential to focus on consistency rather than intensity. You want to make fitness a part of your life, using it to enhance your overall well-being, rather than it taking over your life.

Setting a Bare Minimum

Setting a bare minimum or a low bar for yourself on your busiest days can help you stay consistent. It could be as simple as incorporating tiny, doable actions that take only a few minutes.

The goal is to keep going without burning yourself out.


Remember Your Why

Your "why" is your source of motivation during hectic times. Take a moment to reflect on the reasons behind your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Let your "why" drive you forward and become a healthy person where fitness is a part of your identity.


Incorporating Fitness Into Daily Life

Finding pockets of time for movement throughout your day can make fitness a natural part of your routine.

Bite-size movements are quick and effective actions that you can sprinkle into your day to keep you moving.

Building sustainable habits that fit into even the busiest schedule is key.


To stay on track and monitor your progress, I've created a Fitness Habit Tracker specifically for busy women like you.

This tracker will help you:

  • Build awareness around your habits

  • Identify patterns

  • Make adjustments as needed

It's available for download on my website

Use this tool to stay accountable, celebrate your wins, and prioritise your health and well-being.


Using Hobbies and Social Activities

Make fitness enjoyable by incorporating your hobbies and interests into your fitness routine. If you enjoy dancing, make it a part of your fitness journey. Engaging in activities you love increases the likelihood of sticking to them. You can also make fitness a social activity by involving your friends and family. Plan activities together such as hiking, playing sports, or going for walks.

Building a Supportive Community

Finding a supportive community is so important. Whether it's with your current friends and family or a new group of like-minded individuals, surrounding yourself with people who share your fitness journey enhances your experience. Joining a sports team, a dance class, or any group activity can help you meet new friends and have a supportive network.


Enhancing Your Hobbies

Use your fitness training to enhance your favourite activities. Strengthen your body and improve your performance to get more enjoyment out of your hobbies. For example, if you love yoga, incorporating strength training can help you hold poses longer and improve flexibility.


The Importance of Downtime

Rest and recovery are integral parts of your overall well-being. Take time for yourself to relax, whether that means reading, catching up on your favourite TV shows, or spending quality time with your loved ones. Both personal and social downtime contribute to your mental health.

Adjusting your Fitness Routine

During holidays, work commitments, or busy social activities, it's important to adjust your fitness routine. You can do less, change your schedule, or try different activities. Bite-size movements come in handy during these times, providing a way to stay active even when your schedule is packed.


Shifting Your Perspective

Fitness is not confined to the gym or a rigid plan. Every movement counts, and it's important to celebrate all forms of physical activity. Embrace outdoor activities, discover new hobbies, and incorporate movement into your daily life naturally.

To sum up

Finding balance between your fitness goals and the rest of your life is achievable.

By prioritising consistency, setting a bare minimum, remembering your "why," incorporating fitness into your daily routine, engaging in activities you love, building a supportive community, using fitness to enhance your hobbies, embracing downtime, adjusting your routine when necessary, and shifting your perspective, you can create sustainable habits that fit into your busy life.

Remember, you're only one movement away from feeling amazing


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