Starting Small: The Key to Sustainable Fitness


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Have you ever felt that starting a fitness routine is just too daunting? You're not alone.

Many of us hesitate getting started, we don’t have time to fit anything else in, or I can only manage 1 squat or 5 minutes. Is it worth it, is it cheating?

These are all things I’ve heard from my clients over the years.

What if I told you that the secret to success is much simpler and starts with just one squat or a five-minute walk?

Trust me it is worth it and it is the key to building a sustainable fitness journey, one where you build strength over time, starting where you are at right now and sticking to your routine so you stay consistent.

Read on to discover why it’s important to start small and why, especially for us as women, it's even more important as we age to maintain bone strength, how it helps to build confidence and independence. I’ll show you how, even if you’re busy, you can build and maintain strength training in your busy life. 


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Embracing Starting Small

When it comes to building strength and fitness, the answer is clear – starting small is not cheating; it's the foundation of sustainable fitness.

Each one of us has a unique starting point, and that's something to be celebrated, not judged.

By beginning with bite-size movements, such as one squat or a five-minute walk, we set ourselves up for success.

It's all about building the habit and embracing fitness in our daily lives in a manageable and enjoyable way.


How do we get stronger?

To build strength, the magic formula is to lift heavy things as many times as possible each week.

But what exactly does "heavy" mean?

Well, heavy means what we can handle at our current strength level.

We start light and gradually increase the load over time, using a concept called progressive overload.

This could mean using light dumbbells or even just using body weight.

The key is to challenge ourselves within the five to ten rep range and stop each set two to three reps before failure

(Rep = 1 movement eg 1 squat)

(Failure = you physically can’t do any more at that moment, you will know when you are near so you will slow down and start to be less controlled)


Training Movements, Not Muscles

With over 620 muscles in the human body, training each one separately would require an overwhelming number of exercises.

Instead, we can simplify things by focusing on training movements.

By incorporating just five movements, we can train all the muscles in our bodies effectively.

To strengthen our shoulders, torso, and upper body, we can perform horizontal and vertical pushing and pulling movements.

For the lower body, squats and lunges variations are key.

Adding some cardio, like walking, creates a well-rounded workout routine.


To stay on track and monitor your progress, I've created a Fitness Habit Tracker specifically for busy women like you.

This tracker will help you:

  • Build awareness around your habits

  • Identify patterns

  • Make adjustments as needed

It's available for download on my website

Use this tool to stay accountable, celebrate your wins, and prioritise your health and well-being.


Knowing When to Progress

To continue getting stronger, we need to apply the principle of progressive overload.

When a movement becomes easier, it's time to progress.

This means finding a movement that is challenging enough to reach 10 reps.

By gradually increasing the load, we build our strength and move closer to our goals.

Busting Myths about Lifting Heavy

Some people worry that lifting heavy weights will make them bulky or too muscular. However, this is far from the truth.

Lifting heavy based on our current strength level is a fantastic way to build lean muscle mass, boost metabolism, and become more functionally fit.

It's not necessary to feel the burn or extreme soreness to have an effective workout.

By focusing on heavy, controlled movements within the five to ten rep range, we can build strength efficiently without excessive fatigue or the need for long recovery periods.


Benefits of Starting Small

Taking small manageable steps is key when it comes to staying motivated and committed to our fitness goals. It allows us to build consistency and momentum over time.

By celebrating each small victory, no matter how seemingly insignificant, we create a positive mindset and use them as stepping stones to our bigger goals.

Incorporating bite-size movements into our daily routines, like push-ups against the kitchen counter, taking the stairs, or doing standing lunges during work breaks, adds up and keeps us moving throughout the day.

It's important to track our progress to see how far we've come and stay motivated.

Download my FREE habit tracker today


Embracing our Starting Point

Rather than comparing ourselves to others, we should focus on our unique journey and the progress we make every single day.

Fitness is a lifelong adventure with no finish line, so let's celebrate every small victory along the way.

Your fitness journey is as unique as you are, and that's something to be celebrated.

The Importance of Strength for Women

As we age, maintaining bone strength becomes important for women.

Strength training plays a significant role in preserving bone density, reducing the risk of conditions like osteoporosis, and ensuring an active and independent lifestyle. Apart from physical benefits like improved sleep, insulin sensitivity, and lower blood pressure, building strength empowers us as women. It boosts our confidence, mental resilience, and independence, making us feel capable of conquering physical challenges and pursuing our goals.

To sum up

⭐ Starting small is not cheating; it's the key to sustainable fitness.

⭐ By embracing bite-size movements, progressively overloading our workouts, and celebrating small victories, we can build strength and create lifelong fitness habits.

⭐ Remember to focus on your unique journey, track your progress, and connect with your deep motivation.

Starting small may seem insignificant, but it brings us closer to our goals.

So let's embrace starting small, build our strength, and become the best versions of ourselves.


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