Breaking Free from Fitness Myths: Embracing Your Unique Journey


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Recently I’ve been seeing so much misinformation around fitness and consistency.

People online were making things overly complicated.

Suggesting that we need to spend the whole day doing specific exercises for every little thing and following complex rules about how to move in very specific ways.

I’m sure you’ve seen the posts with red crosses and green ticks and the ones that say do this one special move to fix this, when someone else says the complete opposite!

This leads to us doubting ourselves, worried we might do it wrong, and we lose confidence and end up doing nothing. Sound familiar? 

This is also so far from the truth, what we really need is a few basic, simple, foundational movements that we do in a way that works for our own bodies.

We are all unique and so should be the way we move.

I wanted to simplify things for women because we've already got enough going on. 

My goal is to help you build confidence and fit movement through your day, in a more manageable and achievable way.

Psst… Would you rather listen to these tips? Hit play on our podcast episode now for a more in depth chat on the subject! πŸ‘‡


In today's fitness culture, it's easy to get caught up in the countless "must-do" exercises, trends, and rigid routines that promise quick and miraculous results.

The truth is much more personal than one-size-fits-all.

It's time to debunk common fitness myths, embrace a simplified approach and celebrate the uniqueness of individual fitness journeys.

Simplifying Your Fitness Approach

The first step towards a healthier and happier fitness path is simplification.

Overcomplicated workouts and the misconception that certain exercises are mandatory for everyone have led to a cluttered fitness landscape.

The reality is there is no universal approach to fitness.

What works for one person might not necessarily work for another, and that's perfectly okay.


The Myth of Rigid Schedules

One major myth that needs dispelling is the idea that sticking to a rigid, daily workout schedule is the only path to results.

Flexibility, in fact, can be more beneficial as it allows for fitness to be integrated into your lifestyle seamlessly.

The focus should be on consistency over intensity

Emphasising regular, manageable movements over sporadic, intense sessions.


High-Intensity Workouts Aren't Everything

High-intensity workouts aren't the only way to get results. Incorporate a variety of workouts, including those that prioritise recovery and low intensity, can offer a more rounded and sustainable fitness routine.

Remember, your workouts should be uniquely tailored to you and your fitness goals.

Measuring Success Beyond the Scale

We need to shift our focus from body weight as the sole measure of progress.

Rather than obsessing over the scales, consider overall health, strength, and wellbeing.

Focus on internal markers, like cholesterol and heart rate.

Or being able to complete a task easier than before, more reps, heavier weight, being able to walk further, run faster.

There are so many ways to measure your progress that has nothing to do with numbers on the scales.

Focus on how you FEEL over how you LOOK

Celebrate your progress without unrealistic comparisons.

The All-Or-Nothing Mindset

Missing a workout or deviating from a strict plan doesn't equate to failure.

It's about embracing small pockets of time for movement and not about fitting in hour-long workouts.

Keep it simple

The key to a sustainable fitness routine is simplicity.

It's about incorporating movement into our daily lives effortlessly, without the need for overly complex workouts or strict schedules.

  • Your fitness journey doesn't need to be a complicated puzzle.

  • Regular consistent movement beats sporadic intense workouts.

  • Prioritise consistency over intensity and incorporate movement into your daily life.

  • Listen to your body and rest when necessary.


To stay on track and monitor your progress, I've created a Fitness Habit Tracker specifically for busy women like you.

This tracker will help you:

  • Build awareness around your habits

  • Identify patterns

  • Make adjustments as needed

It's available for download on my website

Use this tool to stay accountable, celebrate your wins, and prioritise your health and well-being.

Rethinking Social Media's Role

While social media can be great for motivation and community, it can also lead to confusion, comparison and self-doubt.

It's important to remember that everyone's fitness journey and definition of success is unique just like them.

Curate your feed to include accounts that inspire and uplift you, and don't hesitate to mute or unfollow those that don't.

Use social media as a tool, but don't let it define your fitness journey.

Building Confidence in Your Fitness Journey

Building confidence in fitness is a gradual process.

Start small, focus on progress, not perfection and surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals.

Track your progress and appreciate your efforts. 

Celebrate every win, no matter how small, and view challenges as opportunities for growth.


Embrace Your Uniqueness

Your fitness journey is uniquely yours.

  • Trust your instincts

  • Prioritise enjoyment

  • Create a supportive environment

  • Embrace rest

  • Explore different forms of exercise to discover what you genuinely enjoy

  • Set personalised goals and modify your workouts to suit you

  • And always celebrate your progress

Remember, your fitness journey should always enhance your life, not complicate it.


To sum up

By breaking free from the fitness myths that clutter the internet and embracing our unique needs, we can simplify and take control of our fitness journey.

Let’s celebrate the power of authenticity in fitness.

You've got this

P.S. Don’t forget to download the FREE Fitness Habit Tracker


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Starting Small: The Key to Sustainable Fitness


Building Sustainable Fitness Habits: Bite-Size Movements for Busy Days