Embracing Identity Habits: Transforming Your Fitness Journey


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Today, we'll explore the concept of identity habits and how they can make fitness an integral part of who you are.

Let's dive in and discover how these habits can help you achieve your fitness goals and create a harmonious balance between your fitness journey and your everyday life.

In my own journey, I experienced a shift in how I viewed fitness. Initially, exercise felt like a chore, something I felt obligated to do because I 'needed to work out.' However, as I began embedding small fitness actions into my daily routine, my perspective started to change. This wasn't just about doing more; it was about becoming someone different. I gradually began to see myself as someone who works out regularly, not out of obligation but because it was part of who I am.

This change wasn't merely about adding more activity into my day. It was a fundamental shift in my self-perception to seeing myself as an active, healthy individual. This new identity infused my actions with a sense of purpose, consistency, and joy, significantly enhancing my fitness journey.

By embracing these identity habits, I aligned my actions with a deeper part of myself, which made all the difference.

Fitness became not just something I did but a core part of my identity.

Read on to learn how you, too, can integrate fitness into your identity to create lasting change……


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What are Identity Habits?

We often see habits as actions we do regularly. However, identity habits go beyond that - they become part of who we are.

Just like author James Clear suggests, identity habits are about transforming ourselves into the person who naturally takes health-conscious actions. It's about shifting from "I need to work out" to "I am someone who works out."

When fitness becomes part of our identity, it infuses a sense of purpose, consistency, and joy into our journey.


The Power of Identity Change

Behaviour change has three layers:

⭐outcome change

⭐process change

⭐and identity change

While most people focus on what they want to achieve, true behaviour change starts with who you want to become.

It's about shifting your identity before focusing on processes and outcomes.

When your identity aligns with your fitness goals, your beliefs and self-image transform.

Your habits, such as regular exercise and healthy choices, reinforce your identity and shape your fitness journey.


Repetition Shapes Identity

Every belief, including those about ourselves, is created through repeated experience.

The more you repeat a behaviour, the stronger your belief in that behaviour becomes.

Changing who you are means changing what you do.

By consistently taking actions that align with your desired identity, you reinforce that identity and wire it into your brain.


To stay on track and monitor your progress, I've created a Fitness Habit Tracker specifically for busy women like you.

This tracker will help you:

  • Build awareness around your habits

  • Identify patterns

  • Make adjustments as needed

It's available for download on my website lisadawnbeckwith.com/tracker

Use this tool to stay accountable, celebrate your wins, and prioritise your health and well-being.


The Importance of Small Wins

To prove our desired identity to ourselves, we start with small wins.

Every action we take becomes a vote for the version of ourselves we want to become.

Each habit not only brings results but also builds trust in our abilities.

Small, consistent actions, like drinking more water or prioritising sleep, accumulate over time and create significant change.

By celebrating every step we take on our journey, no matter how small, we embed these habits into our brain and reinforce our commitment.

Connecting Fitness Goals to Identity

Connecting our fitness goals to our core values is a powerful way to make them an integral part of our identity.

If health and vitality are important to us, we should let those values guide our actions.

Breaking down big fitness goals into bite-sized identity-based habits makes them more achievable. For example, if you want to run a marathon, start by becoming someone who runs regularly.

By linking the habit to something you already do, such as going up and down the stairs, you create a specific and achievable action.

Embracing Rest and Recovery

Taking care of ourselves involves not only movement but also rest and recovery.

When we identify as active, healthy individuals, self-care becomes a natural part of our identity.

Prioritising rest when our body needs it is essential to our commitment to a better and healthier life.

So, listen to your body and give it what it needs - whether it's rest or movement.


Embracing Every Victory

Embracing identity habits means celebrating every victory, no matter how small.

Each day, we become more of the active, healthy individuals we envision ourselves to be.

It's important to acknowledge and celebrate our progress along the way.

And remember, setbacks and challenges are a normal part of any journey.

Be kind to yourself, adapt, and adjust as needed.

Every choice counts, and there's always another opportunity to cast another vote for becoming the healthier, stronger version of yourself.


To sum up

Embracing identity habits is a personal and unique journey that leads to becoming the strongest and healthiest version of yourself.

Fitness isn't just about working out; it's about creating a lifestyle that enhances your overall well-being.

By embracing small consistent actions, connecting your fitness goals to your identity, and celebrating your victories, you're on the path to success.

Remember, it's not about perfection; it's about consistency, progress, and self-care. So start casting those votes for your amazing, healthier self on this incredible journey.

Remember to visit my website at lisadawnbeckwith.com/workwithme for support.


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