Revitalise Nights: Your Ultimate Guide to Transformative Sleep


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When I’m working with my clients, sleep is usually one of the first things we talk about, especially if they come to me and they've got a little bit of a niggle going on.

I know personally when I’ve not had a good night's sleep I feel worse the next day and tracking my sleep and making it a priority has made a huge difference to how I feel physically and mentally.

Because how we feel physically and mentally is not just to do with our body and what's going on in our body. 

We need to look at it more holistically than that. 

We need to look at all the other things that are going on and think of it like a cup.

Things like how has our sleep been, how has our stress been?

Are we getting out and exercising? Are we getting outside? Are we giving back and helping? Do we have a purpose? 

All these sorts of things help to go into our cup. 

When we have things that deplete us. The cup gets filled up and it can overflow. This is usually when we experience pain or we get a bit run down. 

Sleep is one of those things that can really affect that cup.

Read on to learn actionable tips and insights to transform your nights, embracing the sunlight, moving your body, and creating a bedtime routine.

Psst… Would you rather listen to these tips and learn more? Hit play on our podcast episode now! πŸ‘‡


The Impact of Sleep on Health

Understanding the profound impact of sleep on our health is the first step.

Poor sleep quality isn't just about feeling groggy; it's linked to serious health issues, decreased resilience, and a lower pain threshold.

Sleep is your body's time for repair and regeneration, a crucial wellness tool for a vibrant life.

Your Sleep Force Field: Resilience

Think of your nervous system as a fire alarm.

When our resiliency is low due to insufficient sleep, the sensitivity of this alarm increases, making us more susceptible to stressors.

This heightened sensitivity can lead to increased pain perception, memory problems, forgetfulness, and a higher risk of accidents.

Actionable Tips for Better Sleep

During the Day

- Spend time outside daily for a vitamin D boost.

- Embrace morning light to sync your internal clocks.

- Engage in regular exercise for improved sleep quality.

- Watch caffeine intake, especially in the afternoon.

Preparing for Bed

- Limit alcohol and heavy meals before bedtime.

- Avoid late afternoon naps to prevent night time disruptions.

- Establish a fixed wake-up and bedtime schedule, even on weekends.

Pre-Bedtime Routine

- Wind down with relaxing activities 30-60 minutes before sleep.

- Unplug from electronic devices to promote relaxation.

- Consider activities like reading, listening to music, or practising meditation.

- Lower the lights in your environment to signal your body for sleep.

Optimising Your Sleep Environment

- Invest in a comfortable mattress, pillow, and bedding.

- Minimize light in the room with blackout blinds or a sleep mask.

- Maintain a peaceful, quiet, and slightly cool bedroom.

Dealing with Sleep Challenges

It’s recommended if you can’t get to sleep after about 20 minutes to get out of bed it’s recommended to get up and do a relaxing activity.

If sleep troubles persist, consider consulting a health professional.

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can be effective in addressing underlying issues.

Sleep isn't just a luxury; it's a crucial aspect of your overall well-being.

Implement these actionable tips and witness the transformative power of quality sleep.

Let's prioritise our sleep journey together for a life filled with vitality and resilience.


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